NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
NonClinical Careers for Physicians is the expertise of third_Evolution. We'll discuss the special issues of physician career transition, offer important do's and don'ts, critical tips for success and answer that most important question: What's Out There for physicians.
NonClinical Careers for Physicians™ Podcast
Is Medical Legal Consulting Your NonClinical Career Future?
March 12, 2021
Robert F. Priddy, President, third_Evolution™
Season 2
Episode 5
Armin Feldman, MD is a practices Forensic Medicine not only providing critical information to legal clients, but also teaching other physicians how to launch their own nonclinical career path in the interesting field of medical legal consulting. In his interview he not only recaps his range of experiences that led to his own career change, but provides important information for any physician interested in medical legal consulting as a career focus.